Ruled by Jupiter; element Mutable Fire; known as the Centaur |
More about Saggitarius: Saggitarius Men | Saggitarius Women | Weekly Newsletter
Horoscope: October 1st - October 8th 2007 |
With Pluto transiting
through your sign Sagittarius, you have been working on
a very important personal lesson for a while now. That
lesson has to do with personal change – out of the
darkness and into the light – kind of change. Add this
Pluto energy to the fact that your ruling planet Jupiter
(expansion) is also in your sign and you get ‘intense’
change. Your Soul needed to be here during this
planetary vibrational aspect to ‘cleanse’ itself from
negativity and release/forgive what it has been holding
onto for so very long. Have you ever wondered why you
don’t trust others? Have you ever wondered why people
sometimes don’t trust you? These situations are deep and
some of them come from past lifetimes. This week you are
mostly dealing with ‘emotional’ issues relating to your
own personal hopes, dreams, and desires. It’s time to
take a good look in the mirror and ask, “Is what I truly
desire good for me?” Search your soul…only you know the
answer to that question. |
Monthly Horoscope:
October 2007
If you want to have a happy
and festive October Sagittarius, you are going to have
to cultivate the most positive side of yourself and not
allow your more secretive and grumpy self to shine
through so much. You always like to have things go your
way, but with Pluto in a conjunction with Jupiter, your
failure or successes will be truly up to you! You are
charting the course of how this month will be
Sagittarius! Try to remember that like attracts like and
negativity attracts the same. Karma is playing a big
role in your life right now too. You are being given a
chance to prove yourself and erase some of the negative
aspects of yourself – not only from your experiences in
this lifetime, but those of past lifetimes too! All I
can say is “Think before you leap and think twice before
making any important decisions.” Treat others the way
you desire to be treated. Also, it’s very important to
note “If you do the crime, be prepared to do the time!”
It’s up to you to heal circumstances, heal yourself,
heal your relationships, and attract into your life what
you truly desire. If you attract what you don’t desire
that’s a sure sign of negative/ego/wrong thinking. One
more thing that you are learning now too is: “Don’t
expect from others whatyou aren’t willing to do
yourself.” Stay out of trouble Sagittarius. It may be
hard, but you can turn your life around in so many
important ways. What’s it going to take? That’s up to
you. |
Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes
Cardinal / Fire Sign |
Cardinal / Air Sign |
: Fixed / Earth Sign |
Fixed / Water Sign |
Multable / Air Sign |
Multable / Fire Sign |
Cardinal / Water Sign |
Cardinal / Earth Sign |
Fixed / Fire Sign |
Fixed / Air Sign |
Multable / Earth Sign |
Multable / Water Sign |
* If you know your rising sign and your moon sign make sure that you read the messages for those signs as well. If you don't know your rising sign or your moon sign, contact me with your birth date, time of birth, and location where you were born and I will let you know what these signs are for you. You can contact me either by calling me at: (734) 753-4724, writing to me at: 22083 Rust Rd., New Boston, MI. 48164, or by e-mailing me at: michelle@astroenlightenment.com and don't forget to check out our free web site at: www.phenomenews.com. |