When we release the past and look forward to the future then everything new and wonderful is possible! ~AstroNana
January 2025
Hello Dear Friends and Readers,
Happy New Year 2025! 2025 vibrates to the number 9; a year of letting go of the past, healing from past experiences, getting rid of what no longer serves our personal highest good, sharing healing with others, having great compassion, and with more love in our hearts we can choose to become more understanding towards ourselves and others. 2025 is this Chinese Year of the snake, and like a snake that sheds it’s skin, it’s time to shed our old beliefs that have held us back for far to long. As you feel cleaner, healthier and more refreshed then you’ll begin to feel much more rejuvenated within yourself and your life!
So no matter what you have been through in your life so far…give yourself credit for everything that you have endured and credit for being so much wiser and stronger now! Day by day, month by month, slowly at first (with Mars being in retrograde motion until February 23rd) allow yourself the time to ponder upon what you’ve experiences in your life so far. Maybe keep a journal and write that all down. Once you feel your mind is clear of any past frustrations then start thinking and writing about how you desire to live your life from now on.
You may find that your personal boundaries are firmer. Situations and attitudes you’ve put up from others only gets on your nerves more. Instead of tolerating situations for the benefits of others…you’ll now feel that it’s more important to take better care of yourself. You are important! Your feelings DO matter!
When others understand that you are important too – not just to be there for ‘them’, but also desiring to see you happier and healthier too…then your relationships will begin to bloom and grow. Don’t be afraid to say, “No” to what you feel isn’t for your healthiest highest good anymore. When others really begin to work with you as a loving team then appreciation and gratitude will be bestowed upon everyone!
This is a major theme starting in this year of 2025. With Pluto now in the sign of Aquarius our focus should be on more positively thriving…as a loving team with all of humanity! Of course this is going to take lots of time. Before that can truly become a reality step #1 is taking good care of yourself and your loved ones first!
You’re becoming more aware of what is most important for you. You’re learning to have more faith in your true inner spirit to guide you. With the North Node of the Moon now being in the sign of Pisces it’s important to focus on dreaming big dreams; without being so nitpicky (south node in Virgo).
A New Year has just begun!
Let the healing light in!
Stay warm and cozy!
Michelle Anne Cox-Lomas PhD 💖