Virgo Men
Ruled by Mercury; element Mutable Earth; known as The Virgin |
Related Topics: Viro Women | Virgo Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes
He likes things nice and tidy. He knows exactly where everything is for everything has a place and everything should be in its place.and even when it is he will look again and re-organize everything. Sometimes certain Virgo men are messy.yes I said messy.just in order to be a bit rebellious, but once their time of rebellion is over they will take the time to clean it all up. It all depends on their moods at the moment. Disorder can make him nervous. It is instinctual for him to put things in order. The need to compulsively create order seems to be an innate characteristic like a computer chip implanted into his brain. He knows instinctively what you need and is willing to provide what you need even before you ask. It can get a little spooky at times for you will feel that he is reading your mind. He is a wonderfully supportive person and you can sense that he cares about you. The problem comes when you talk about commitment, for commitment (especially personal/relationship types) make him very nervous. He is so afraid of failing in a relationship that he often sabotages the situation before it even gets to the altar. The Virgo man can put himself down too much, for no one is ever going to be harder on him than he is on himself. He will love you for your encouraging him to think more positively. Make him chicken soup when he is sick and he will love you forever, but be sure you tell him that you don't plan on being his mother! He doesn't give up on people or situations easily. He is extremely patient but he has to understand that no one will wait for him, or on him, forever. It takes a strong mind and a devotedly loving heart to get a Virgo male to commit but once you do get a commitment out of him he is in the relationship for the long haul.
Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes
Cardinal / Fire Sign |
Cardinal / Air Sign |
: Fixed / Earth Sign |
Fixed / Water Sign |
Multable / Air Sign |
Multable / Fire Sign |
Cardinal / Water Sign |
Cardinal / Earth Sign |
Fixed / Fire Sign |
Fixed / Air Sign |
Multable / Earth Sign |
Multable / Water Sign |
* If you know your rising sign and your moon sign make sure that you read the messages for those signs as well. If you don't know your rising sign or your moon sign, contact me with your birth date, time of birth, and location where you were born and I will let you know what these signs are for you. You can contact me either by calling me at: (734) 753-4724, writing to me at: 22083 Rust Rd., New Boston, MI. 48164, or by e-mailing me at: michelle@astroenlightenment.com and don't forget to check out our free web site at: www.phenomenews.com. |