

A Big Loving Hello to all of my previous clients who have personally had a session with me. I want you to know that your session with me was as special to me as I hope that it was for you!

If you would like to leave a personal testimonial of your experience of our session together then please use the comment form below. Just scroll down this page and you will see the comment box at the bottom of the page. We would all love to read your comments! The special testimonials written here are very helpful to others who desire to have a session with me. The testimonials are also very near and dear to my heart. I want to “Thank You” – insert Big Hug here – for taking the time to share your thoughts and feelings. When writing your Testimonial please feel free to be honest, creative, and most of all to have fun!

I look forward to sharing my services again with you in the near future!

Until we connect again…Many Angel Blessings to You and ALL those you love!

Michelle ๐Ÿ™‚


69 replies on “Testimonials”

Excellent stuff. I can not describe how much your site has helped me within my academic research on the subject. I am now going to get top marks for certain. Thanks a million. I owe you one.

Just had a session with Michelle and, as usual, I feel recentered with a deeper understanding of my life path. No hocus pocus…she truly has a gift ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi Michelle,

We were recently blessed with a surprise our daughter Natalie, you had mentioned a little girl the last time we spoke but seeing as I was on birth control (which has now been recalled) and found out at the appointment to get my tubes tied that we were expecting. God is still in the drivers seat and apparently you foreseen all of it. Thank you for your Angelic Visions and I am thankful your in my life.

Natasha Nicole

Michelle is truly amazing and I highly recommend her services! A session with Michelle will offer a learning opportunity into the book of “you”. Michelle will provide you with precise and extremely accurate details of your personal chart and act as your guide to help you to understand yourself better and most important help you to become your own best friend! My session with Michelle was incredible and I will be utilizing her services again this year and for many more to come as I know with Michelle’s helping hand I will excel better than ever!!!

I had an amazing chat with Michelle yesterday…it covered every aspect of my life that I needed help and advice on.
She was so uplifting and positive I felt that there now is a future that I had lost sight of…

The direction I needed was given and support and messages from the universe too.
Totally worth every penny…I’ll post again to confirm the predictions… I’m so happy with the information that Michelle gave me. I know I have the power to create a better future now!
She is a very special soul. Xx

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your last reading, and all your wonderful readings you have done for me! The last two especially have been so SPOT on and have opened my eyes to what is really going on in my life on a deeper level so that I now “get it”.
My last relationship has definitely been a thorn in my side for some time now, and you have really helped me to realize what/who he really is and why he came into my life. Your accurate descriptions of his personality/behaviors have led me on a quest to be researching narcissistic/sociopathic personalities,and he is SPOT on with all those behaviors! I cannot believe there is actually a label/personality disorder for him. I always thought he was unique. Too bad that’s not true because I have now learned how there are many narcissists, and how they all operate the same way and hurt women with no regard for their feelings. But I have also learned that although we feel like the victims of their ‘abuse’, that there are deeper reasons why they came into our lives (our own insecurities and lack of self love) JUST like you told me in previous readings.
Anyways, I just wanted to acknowledge what a great job you do and how much I appreciate your wonderful gift of being so intuitive! You really help me see things I probably would have never seen, and would still be ‘stuck’ in my issue longer. You are a great help and truly a blessing in my life!

My dear sister NO 4,

Thank you firstly for being the precious lady that you are.
Your zest, passion. kindness, knowledge, LOVE, and patience is
Immeasurable. Sincere thanks to you, for all that you do
for everyone ~ may the same blessings be returned to you 100
fold. Michelle you are a very funny lady and your sense of
Humour is unique indeed. The sessions we have had have been
Completely accurate, you are indeed one of a kind.

Thank you for being in my life, I sure do appreciate you.

Look forward to our next chat.
Love ways.
May – NZ

I have been read my Michelle several times and intend to go back. I was first read by her after several tragedies in my life and she could not have known these events. Thanks to Michelle I feel she has brought clarity and healing by showing me a higher way to think and see others. I consider her to be a friend and definately a spiritual advisor that has been sent to me.

i wanted to take a quick moment to send a big warm THANK YOU for all the hard work you do in the name of love and for the advancement of spirit! your newsletter and horoscopes are always so uplifting and satisfying. i am especially grateful for the reading we had several months back; without it, i am sure i would not be in as good a situation as i am now! thank you so much. i hope you are doing well โ€“ even though somehow i know you are!

can’t say thank you enough,


Michelle is a very intuitive, insightful and perceptive woman. I would highly recommend her to anyone that needs some guidance in their life. She is spectacular at what she does and I truly appreciate and have benefited from her words of wisdom and valuable advice. Michelle is a sharing and caring “Angel” on this earth who is devoted to her vocation. She has touched my life in so many ways and I feel so blessed that our paths have crossed. Thank you Michelle!!

Michelle, You are AMAZING and super intuitive and SMART as can be! You have changed my life forever…with all this information about myself, I really feel like a completely different person and I’m not just saying that because I’m a Gemini ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol I really mean it. I’m skeptical about some things I hear and all that you shared with me in our session was on point. Thank you for paving the way so I could see more clearly. I feel like I’m falling in more love with myself and I’m growing to see all the beautiful gifts I have and believe in myself. Thank you for guiding me. I’m greatly blessed!

I recently had an in-person session with Michelle and what can I say? What an angel!

I was amazed, enlightened, awestruck and still have chills from my session. Not only did I get answers to questions I had and validation of thoughts, but I learned a lot and am still soaking it in.

Michelle helped me feel comfortable with myself and decisions that I was about to make or what I should not make and most importantly help me with helping to find myself. This will be a work in progress and I am so looking forward to my journey.

I really recommend contacting Michelle.

Michelle is truly a light-worker. I feel extremely blessed to have been under her caring guidance for many years now. There has never been a moment I could not turn to her for help. Michelle has been a great maternal influence and is understanding of my sensitivities and eccentricities. I have her to thank for countless moments when I’ve been in dire need of self confidence and understanding. She is truly a blessing and I want to honor her with a poem…

I’ve known Michelle now for 12 years,
Indigo blessed with emotional stress.
She’s been with me through both laughter and tears,
Selflessly counseling without rest.

I am now living in the light,
Because she’s guided me from out of the darkness.
She has shown me the blessings of life
Continuing to give of herself with loving kindness.


As I ponder the events of my life, I peer through a window of hope knowing that each new day brings new beginnings. No matter how nerve-racking my situation is you bring me a message of hope, love and encouragement. You understand that I can only be true to myself in embracing my thoughts, feelings and emotions in the most meaningful and passionate way to make sense of things I donโ€™t understand. The Angels always send You my special friend and I thank you as you have always been there to remind me to open the flower of my life and allow my light to shine. You are truly a unique and wonderful person. Blessings Always!!

Love you much my spiritual sister,


Thank you my spiritual sister Michelle for your friendship, love and support. I enjoyed our session last week. Always empowering; although sometimes hard for me to see the Light through all the events that occur! You show me how my compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength! All will be clear to me. I have to remember to choose the Light, reflect on what is truly of value in my life and the contentment of my inner soul in all these situations. Blessings, Love and Light to you!

Love ya,


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