Special Message Update: Our website here got a new tech facelift upgrade in February 2021. You should find this new style easier to maneuver around. All of my services, as well as interesting astrology and fun pages, are listed up on the top menu of the page on your laptop or computer. For those of you seeing my site on your phone, the menu bar is in the top right corner where you see the dashes. Just click on that and scroll down to see all of the interesting pages you can choose from. I will be adding more fun, interesting, and insightful pages in the near future.
My Monthly Horoscopes as well as my monthly AstroVibe Report are also listed there, but you can always click on the underlined links right here. I hope that you enjoy the new fresh look of this website. I will be adding new interesting articles and updates as often as possible.
If you want to go directly to my Astrological/Spiritual Counseling page just click on this link. I also offer many other services that you can find through the menu. With my services I can help you to feel more positively aligned on your personal life path. If you have any questions regarding any of my services, please feel free to email me directly at: michelle@astroenlightenment.com. I look forward to connecting with you. I can set up your own special appointment for you soon. 💖
Let’s keep our prayers of love and healing for all of humanity, as well as for Mother Earth, flowing positively every day. Together our LIGHT and LOVE can make a wonderful difference in the lives of many. I believe that if we can try to keep our thoughts positive and our hearts joyful, even in the smallest of ways, chaotic situations can turn around more quickly for the better, especially in our private lives. The very best things we can do is to focus our minds and hearts on what we feel most grateful for in our lives right now. By doing this we can more positively lift up the collective energy in our own lives and the lives of those around us.
For those of you who are interested I have a World Peace Prayer Circle always going on every 3 hours. You can click the underlined link above to learn more about it. It’s simple, yet powerfully positive in many ways. There’s a special written prayer on that page that you can print out so that you can have a copy by your side for whenever you desire to participate. It only takes a few minutes to stop what you’re doing and intuitively tune into the prayer circle with us. You can use this prayer or one of your own. You don’t even have to say a prayer but just relax for a few minutes and hold the intention of positive healing vibrations for everyone. What you give you will also receive, thus a prayer for others returns to you 10 fold to bless your life too. I hope you will join us. Many do this every 3 hours, but even if you desire to join us just once a week (at whatever time you desire) that’s wonderful too! Remember to click the link above to learn more about this special prayer circle and feel the healing vibrations from this page.
Angel Blessings to you and to all those you love. Feel free to contact me anytime at: Michelle@astroenlightenment.com
*I’d love to hear how you are doing and feeling these days. Are you stressed out? Do you need someone to chat with, vent to, and know that someone compassionately cares? Just send me an email anytime. I will personally write back to you as quickly as possible.
We are all in this collective global experience together. I am here for you! I do empathically understand how you feel. Compassion, kindness, love and friendship is needed for everyone. Together we can transform these challenging experiences into much healthier ones for ourselves and everyone we love. Please know that you’re not alone. It’s time for you to be extra good to yourself. Writing to me may be the first step in the right direction towards you feeling better. I enjoy receiving emails from my readers of my website. To write to me, and me respond to you, is completely free. I look forward to hearing from you!
Love and Blessings from me and my family to you and yours. Stay safe, focus on the best things that are going on in your life, and know that you are loved. 💕
Now -Sit back and relax ~everything happens for a reason and you are right where you are meant to be. I’ve created this site just for you…so come on… sit back/relax completely – ahhh, there you go, you deserve it, browse around and I hope that you stay for a little while. I hope that you will find the enlightenment and insights that you are looking for. May the Holy Spirit touch your heart and bring you inner-peace, serenity, and inspiration.
It’s my wish that you will feel lighter and more joyful once you take some time for yourself and soak up some of the enlightenment and love that I’ve put into this very special website. Enjoy your stay here and I hope that you will come back again and again!
Scroll down and click on your sign icon to read your Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign horoscopes. If you’re unsure what your Moon and Rising signs are, but you desire to know, send me a quick email with your birth information to: michelle@astroenlightenment.com (I will then create a free natal birth chart for you and let you know what your Moon sign and Rising signs are so that you can read your monthly horoscopes for those important signs too). Also, don’t miss out on reading my special monthly Astro News Report to learn even more about the current vibrations.
~May Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Good Health, and Great Prosperity abundantly flow into your life now and always!
Your Monthly Horoscopes
* If you know your rising sign and your moon sign make sure that you read the messages for those signs as well. If you don’t know your rising sign or your moon sign, contact me with your birth date, time of birth, and location where you were born and I will let you know what these signs are for you.
Disclaimer: This website is for entertainment and enlightenment purposes only. Any information given is the sole responsibility of my readers to use your God given free will to choose what is always best for you. My work is copyrighted and cannot be used for other publications or profit without prior written consent. You may print out copies of my work for personal use or to freely share with your family and friends. It is my hope that I can help to positively inspire you to live a healthier and more joyful life for yourself and all those around you.
Important Note: While we all agree Michelle is a super star, (a beautiful star soul from a heavenly dimension), she is also a human being – she will make every attempt to update this website on a Monthly basis. However in the event of personal health issues, private sessions, teaching lectures, traveling or family obligations, she may release new content at a later date. You can choose to Like her Facebook page where she will let you know when her new content is published as soon as it is completed. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding. ~ The Astro Enlightenment Team